





class Singleton {
  constructor() {
    if (!Singleton.instance) {
      Singleton.instance = this;
    return Singleton.instance;



class Product {
  constructor(name) { = name;
const factory = new function() {
  this.createProduct = function(type) {
    switch (type) {
      case 'A':
        return new Product('A');
      case 'B':
        return new Product('B');
        throw new Error('Invalid product type');

3、抽象工厂模式(Abstract Factory)


class AbstractFactory {
  createProductA() {}
  createProductB() {}
class ConcreteFactory extends AbstractFactory {
  createProductA() { return new ProductA(); }
  createProductB() { return new ProductB(); }



class ProductBuilder {
  addPartA() {}
  addPartB() {}
class Director {
  constructor(builder) {}
  construct() {}

5、原型链模式(Prototype Chain)


function Person() {}
Person.prototype.sayHello = function() {};
const person = new Person(); // person.__proto__ === Person.prototype; // true



class TargetInterface {}
class SourceInterface {}
class TargetAdapter extends TargetInterface implements SourceInterface {} // TargetAdapter is an adapter between TargetInterface and SourceInterface. It implements both interfaces. It can be used to adapt a source object to work with a target interface or vice versa. The client of the program does not need to be aware that it is using an adapter because the methods and properties of the adapter are implemented in terms of those of the target interface. The only difference is that the methods and properties of the adapter are wrapped in a try-catch block that handles any exceptions thrown by the target methods. This allows the client to use the adapter as if it were a regular object without needing to know anything about the internals of the adapter." />', // TargetAdapter is an adapter between TargetInterface and SourceInterface. It implements both interfaces. It can be used to adapt a source object to work with a target interface or vice versa. The client of the program does not need to be aware that it is using an adapter because the methods and properties of the adapter are implemented in terms of those of the target interface. The only difference is that the methods and properties of the adapter are wrapped in a try-catch block that handles any exceptions thrown by the target methods. This allows the client to use the adapter as if it were a regular object without needing to know anything about the internals of the adapter." />', // TargetAdapter is an adapter between TargetInterface and SourceInterface. It implements both interfaces. It can be used to adapt a source object to work with a target interface or vice versa. The client of the program does not need to be aware that it is using an adapter because the methods and properties of the adapter are implemented in terms of those of the target interface. The only difference is that the methods and properties of the adapter are wrapped in a try-catch block that handles any exceptions thrown by the target methods. This allows the client to use the adapter as if it were a regular object without needing to know anything about the internals of the adapter." />', // TargetAdapter is an adapter between TargetInterface and SourceInterface. It implements both interfaces. It can be used to adapt a source object to work with a target interface or vice versa. The client of the program does not need to be aware that it is using an adapter because the methods and properties of the adapter are implemented in terms of those of the target interface. The only difference is that the methods and properties of the adapter are wrapped in a try-catch block that handles any exceptions thrown by the target methods. This allows the client to use the adapter as if it were a regular object without needing to know anything about the internals of the adapter." />', // TargetAdapter is an adapter between TargetInterface and SourceInterface. It implements both interfaces. It can be used to adapt a source object to work with a target interface or vice versa. The client of the program does not need to be aware that it is using an adapter because the methods and properties of the adapter are implemented in terms of those of the target interface. The only difference is that the methods and properties of the adapter are wrapped in a try-catch block that handles any exceptions thrown by the target methods. This allows the client to use the adapter as if it were a regular object without needing to know anything about the internals of the adapter." />', // TargetAdapter is an adapter between TargetInterface and SourceInterface. It implements both interfaces. It can be used to adapt a source object to work with a target interface or vice versa. The client of the program does not need to be aware that it is using an adapter because the methods and properties of the adapter are implemented in terms of those of the target interface. The only difference is that




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